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(915) 585 7550
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(915) 592 5853

Spring Time Smile Time: Invisalign®

One of the most effective forms of orthodontic alignment systems that are available to use is through the Invisalign® orthodontic alignment system. With Invisalign, you can help straighten teeth discreetly and comfortably to ensure maximum effectiveness not only now, but in the future as well. Through Invisalign, several benefits are possible, and your treatment can occur with minimal alterations to... read more »

Can Orthodontic Braces Deliver on Their Promises?

Can orthodontic braces deliver on their promises? With our help, our dedicated team can get you on the path to a straighter smile in no time. With braces, you can set crooked teeth straight once more, and fix your crooked smile. Listed below are some of the perks of braces: - Eating and speaking can often be done with much... read more »

Embrace Your Orthodontic Care Treatment Options

Embrace your orthodontic care treatment options. Make the most of your braces and the services they can provide by taking the best of care of both them and your teeth and gums. Depending on your service type, your aligners may be able to be removed, and if so, it is important to clean them so they do not harbor more... read more »

The Components of Braces

If your teeth are crooked or if you have a misaligned bite, Dr. Jaime Rivera may recommend braces in El Paso, Texas. An orthodontic exam will be performed and our orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth, take photos of your teeth and face, and take X-rays of your mouth and head. Your treatment plan will be formed based on... read more »

How to Brush and Floss During Orthodontic Treatment

If you have malocclusion, Dr. Jaime Rivera may recommend orthodontics in El Paso, Texas. Getting braces requires dedication on your part. Caring for your teeth while wearing braces will take a little more time. However, having a beautiful, straight smile is well worth the effort. Brushing and Flossing While Wearing Braces Braces and other orthodontic appliances can attract plaque and... read more »