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(915) 585 7550
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(915) 592 5853

Overcoming Bad Smiles with Invisalign®

Did you know that Invisalign® can treat broken smiles and give you back the straight shine you have lost? Invisalign is nearly invisible so it can work hard for your mouth with little to no interference in your life. Overcoming bad smiles with Invisalign is possible in part due to these fantastic benefits: - Invisalign features breakthrough technology that allows... read more »

Can Orthodontic Braces Deliver on Their Promises?

Can orthodontic braces deliver on their promises? With our help, our dedicated team can get you on the path to a straighter smile in no time. With braces, you can set crooked teeth straight once more, and fix your crooked smile. Listed below are some of the perks of braces: - Eating and speaking can often be done with much... read more »

Orthodontics: The Reasons Why You Should Have a Straight Smile

If you have a crooked, embarrassing, and shameful smile, our Rivera Orthodontics team encourages you to consider orthodontic treatment in El Paso, Texas! Orthodontic treatment can help you in many ways. In fact, there are many reasons why you should align your crooked smile, and those reasons are: Reason No. 1: You’ll finally love your appearance Once you align your... read more »