Millions of individuals go under some type of orthodontic procedure to better their smile and teeth alignment. These practices date back to even before Egyptians, who used a form of braces using animal intestines tied around the teeth on mummies. This was to send them into the afterlife with straighter teeth. This history of orthodontics has revolutionized over hundreds of... read more »
At Rivera Orthodontics, Dr. Jaime Rivera and our team are pleased to provide comprehensive orthodontics for our patients in El Paso, Texas. Today we would like to two easy tips to clean your smile properly while wearing braces. Tip 1 Brushing While proper oral health is important for a healthy smile it is even more necessary to ensure a healthy... read more »
Malocclusion, or a misaligned bite or crooked teeth, is a common issue. Some people’s teeth come in crooked, overlapping, or crowded. This can occur when a person’s mouth is too small for their teeth. Individuals may also have gapped teeth. A person may have upper and lower jaws that aren’t the same size or that did not form correctly. This... read more »
If your teeth are crooked or if you have a misaligned bite, Dr. Jaime Rivera may recommend braces in El Paso, Texas. An orthodontic exam will be performed and our orthodontist will take impressions of your teeth, take photos of your teeth and face, and take X-rays of your mouth and head. Your treatment plan will be formed based on... read more »