If you want to have a successful spring break, like many of us do, then you need to keep your braces in mind. This is because it’s possible to suffer orthodontic problems while you’re enjoying your vacation if you don’t take good care of your appliance. Just because you’re on break from school doesn’t mean you can be on break... read more »
If you’re curious to know what orthodontic aligners can do for you, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our orthodontist, Dr. Jaime Rivera, is happy to tell you all about how aligners can help you, your smile, and your oral health. Aligners are mouthguard-like appliances that fit over your arch of teeth and add pressure to the... read more »
As you may already know, your orthodontist, Dr. Jaime Rivera, strongly encourages you to have a braces-friendly diet when you’re aligning your teeth with braces. This is very important. If you would like to know why it’s vital for a successful orthodontic journey, then our orthodontic team is happy to tell you. One reason why it’s important to have a... read more »
If you want a straight and beautiful smile, then you need to keep your braces in tip-top shape. However, there are times when your appliance might break or become altered, for instance, when you break a bracket. When this happens, it’s important to do all you can to improve the situation and treat the problem so you can get back on... read more »
If you have a crooked, embarrassing, and shameful smile, our Rivera Orthodontics team encourages you to consider orthodontic treatment in El Paso, Texas! Orthodontic treatment can help you in many ways. In fact, there are many reasons why you should align your crooked smile, and those reasons are: Reason No. 1: You’ll finally love your appearance Once you align your... read more »